A 25THz FCO (6.3 fs RON*C_OFF) Phase-Change Material RF Switch Fabricated in a High Volume Manufacturing Environment with Demonstrated Cycling > 1 Billion Times

Two different sized layouts of four-terminal phase-change material (PCM) RF switches fabricated in a 200 mm silicon high volume manufacturing environment are presented. Both layouts have with a record high FCO of 25 THz. Layout-A, has an RON of 2.3 Ω and a COFF of 2.7 fF while Layout-B has an RON of 0.82 Ω and a COFF of 7.7 fF. Likewise, record RON*C_OFF values of 6.2 fs and 6.3 fs, have been demonstrated for the A and B switch layouts, respectively. Both layouts show minimal changes to RON or actuation voltage when cycled 10 million times. Also, a Layout-A device was cycled 1 billion times, demonstrating the ability of this new class of RF switch to be used in high endurance applications.